Masuk Daftar

masa hukuman bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "masa hukuman"
  • masa:    a period of; era; period; stage; youth; life;
  • hukuman:    conviction; liberty punishment; penalty;
  • hukuman:    conviction; liberty punishment; penalty; punishment; sanction; sentence; punishments; chastisement; disciplinary; face the music; penal; penance; retribution; torture; trouncing; adjudication; thras
  • masa:    a period of; era; period; stage; youth; life; run; should; spell; term; times; second; age; clock time; hours; direction; minute; temporal; date; epoch; aeon; then; period of time; sentence; dime; m
  • hukuman-hukuman pokok:    cardinal sentence; principal sentence
  • ancaman hukuman:    threat of punishment
  • aturan hukuman:    penal provision
  • bebas hukuman:    get away with
  • bersifat hukuman:    convictive
  • daftar hukuman:    punishment book
  • dikenakan hukuman:    punisable
  • ekspedisi hukuman:    punitive expedition
  • hukuman (psikologi):    punishment (psychology)
  • hukuman badan:    corporal punishment
  • hukuman berat:    the devil to pay; penal
  • Perhaps that could lessen his prison sentence.
    Mungkin itu bisa mengurangi masa hukuman di penjara .
  • I plan on spending my entire sentence avoiding you.
    Aku berencana habiskan masa hukuman dengan menghindarimu.
  • I have no idea. - No, idea why?
    Dan mengurangi masa hukuman bagi Carmine Polito.
  • He was initially given eight weeks of custody.
    Dia akhirnya divonis 8 bulan penjara potong masa hukuman.
  • I'm just another con doing his time.
    Aku cuma napi yang menjalani masa hukuman.
  • No talking in detention, Mr. Berger.
    Tidak boleh bicara selama masa hukuman, Tuan. berger.
  • We're on probation. We can't party. Shit.
    Kami dalam masa hukuman, tidak boleh pesta.
  • There's a restraining order on this guy.
    Orang ini sedang dalam masa hukuman.
  • He goes back to jail for the duration of the trial.
    Dia akan kembali ke penjara menghabiskan masa hukuman.
  • On a 1 2-year sentence you'll do nine years.
    Untuk masa hukuman 12 tahun kau akan jalani 9 tahun saja.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4